CCS has robust internship, volunteer and service opportunities in all areas of the organization. Our volunteers and interns are critical to achieving our vision of "Communities Free of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault". Whether you need an internship placement for course credit, want to get involved in our organization as a volunteer or would like to organize a group service project, you can make a difference. Apply today or contact volunteer@canyoncreekservices.org for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I volunteer at CCS?
Depending on openings and current needs, volunteers can serve in office settings, at the shelter, or out in the community.
How do I know if I am a good fit for volunteering or doing an internship?
If you are passionate about ending domestic violence and sexual assault, willing to work and can take direction well, you will be a great fit for our program.
What would I do at the shelter?
Our trained staff and advocates work with and help survivors and their children. Volunteers support our staff and advocates. You may be asked to clean and organize inside of the shelter, do yard work or play with children. Our volunteers are flexible and come in knowing they may be asked to help where the need is the greatest.
I have some specialized skills that may be useful to CCS, what should I do?
All people interested in volunteering must fill out the volunteer application and attend a two hour New Volunteer Orientation. You will have an opportunity to list your skills and talents. Depending on our current needs, we may be able to utilize your skills and talents.
What would a volunteer do helping in the community?
Our Awareness & Prevention Department relies on volunteers to help with community education and outreach through distributing materials such as posters and brochures and helping at community events. Our Development Department needs volunteers to help with fundraising events and initiatives.
My group wants to do a service project. What should I do?
If you would like to do a donation drive for CCS (collect needed items or raise funds), contact the Development Department at engage@canyoncreekservices.org. If you would like to do a service project, contact the Volunteer Department at volunteer@canyoncreekservices.org.